The Puzzling Scenario in Employee Selection - Part III & Conclusion It’s possible to consistently run an employee selection system at a yield that provides a nine in ten chance of success. If winning in the marketplace is tied to the talents and abilities of people on the team, who wouldn’t want such a guarantee? [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Scott Valitchka Tags: Employee Selection Practices, Selection Ratios, Validity, Taylor-Russell Table, Predictors, Selection Process, rigorous selection, Ability Tests & Employee Selection
The Puzzling Scenario in Employee Selection – Part II What happens when organizations use tests with low validity (e.g. personality style assessments) to make employee selection decisions that have long-term consequences for an organization? [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Scott Valitchka Tags: Discrimination, Employee Selection Practices, Human Resources, Predictors, Selection Ratios, Selection Tests, Validity
The Puzzling Scenario in Employee Selection - Part I “Why do robust employee selection systems need to be based on the use of sound practices and established principles?” [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Discrimination, Employee Selection Practices, Human Resources, Hiring Systems, Selection Process, Performance Ratings, Predictors, Selection Ratios, Validity
The Puzzling Scenario in Employee Selection - Part III & Conclusion Author: Scott Valitchka on 10/4/2019