Still Ranking Education Over Ability? Why You Should Change How You Hire What if I told you a job applicant’s education is THE LOWEST of 11 predictors of job performance. Should HR stop requiring college degrees for applicants? Get the answer in my blog that explains why education isn't the best predictor of job performance. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Michael Quinn Tags: Job Performance Predictors, Employee Selection Practices
5 Types of Questions That Undermine a Job Interview When conducting a structured board interview, don’t “hit one into the woods,” as a golfer would say. In order to get the best match for targeted jobs, an interview board needs to stay on course with its questioning. Here are five types of questions NOT to ask in a job interview. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Structured Board Interview, Employee Selection Practices
From Adversary to Ally: How Smart Companies Do the Unexpected to Fill the Applicant Pool Well, this article ought to raise some eyebrows! Has the long-standing adversarial relationship between management and unions begun to ease? In this article, we offer several examples of collaboration between management and unions. Today’s union/hourly workforce plays a key role in employee recruitment and employee selection. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Inclusion, Strengthening Recruitment Power, Employee Selection Practices, Employee Engagement
Employee Selection Protects Employers from the ‘Silver Tsunami’ Baby Boomers. Hard workers? Yes. But what happens as they leave the work force in droves? Is there a way to navigate through this “Silver Tsunami”? Until now, employee selection has been the least effective and most costly process that employers use. How costly? The average cost per employee that works for 20 years with pay and benefits of $100k is $2,000,000.00! In light of this trend, here’s a proven approach to make employee selection an effective, respected, and lasting process. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Michael Quinn Tags: Silver Tsunami, Ability Tests & Employee Selection, Employee Selection Practices, Job Performance Predictors, rigorous selection
The Puzzling Scenario in Employee Selection - Part III & Conclusion It’s possible to consistently run an employee selection system at a yield that provides a nine in ten chance of success. If winning in the marketplace is tied to the talents and abilities of people on the team, who wouldn’t want such a guarantee? [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Scott Valitchka Tags: Employee Selection Practices, Selection Ratios, Validity, Taylor-Russell Table, Predictors, Selection Process, rigorous selection, Ability Tests & Employee Selection
The Puzzling Scenario in Employee Selection – Part II What happens when organizations use tests with low validity (e.g. personality style assessments) to make employee selection decisions that have long-term consequences for an organization? [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Scott Valitchka Tags: Discrimination, Employee Selection Practices, Human Resources, Predictors, Selection Ratios, Selection Tests, Validity
The Puzzling Scenario in Employee Selection - Part I “Why do robust employee selection systems need to be based on the use of sound practices and established principles?” [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Discrimination, Employee Selection Practices, Human Resources, Hiring Systems, Selection Process, Performance Ratings, Predictors, Selection Ratios, Validity
Still Ranking Education Over Ability? Why You Should Change How You Hire Author: Michael Quinn on 8/16/2022
From Adversary to Ally: How Smart Companies Do the Unexpected to Fill the Applicant Pool Author: Joe Nowlin on 2/9/2022
The Puzzling Scenario in Employee Selection - Part III & Conclusion Author: Scott Valitchka on 10/4/2019