Want A More Diverse Workforce? Guard Against Bias in Your Selection Process Do you remember the movie Moneyball? Moneyball, an account of the Oakland Athletics’ 2002 baseball season, tells how the team outsmarted other Major League Baseball clubs by recruiting players based on advanced statistics, instead of old-school traditions. This innovative selection process allowed the A’s to compete against organizations that were wealthier and more powerful. Likewise, businesses can improve performance by changing their employee selection processes. Read how to gain meaningful contributions from people of diverse backgrounds by minimizing selection bias. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Michael Quinn Tags: Bias Prevention in Employee Selection, Structured Board Interview, Human Resources, Hiring Systems
Overcoming Bias in Recruitment & Screening to Unlock the Power of Diversity Employers who value diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have a strategic advantage. They improve their ability to address challenges, compete for top talent, and respond to a diverse customer base. Unfortunately, bias can easily creep into the selection process and undermine DEI practices. In this first of two articles about minimizing employee selection bias, read how to overcome bias in recruiting and screening employees. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Michael Quinn Tags: Bias Prevention in Employee Selection, Structured Board Interview, Human Resources, Hiring Systems
How to Elevate Employee Performance Above the Norm The demands of 21st Century manufacturing are intense, so it takes a certain type of employee to handle it all. Bill MacPherson, Managing Director of Mercer Celgar, a British Columbia pulp mill, practices a 3-part management philosophy. This philosophy has positioned the mill as the region’s main employer and a global leader in the pulp industry. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Michael Quinn Tags: Employee Engagement, Human Resources, Power of Positive Reinforcement, Structured Board Interview
5 Types of Questions That Undermine a Job Interview When conducting a structured board interview, don’t “hit one into the woods,” as a golfer would say. In order to get the best match for targeted jobs, an interview board needs to stay on course with its questioning. Here are five types of questions NOT to ask in a job interview. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Structured Board Interview, Employee Selection Practices
10 Hiring Myths Debunked: The Insiders’ Take on Structured Board Interviews A coin toss is great for football games -- but not for choosing an employee. Every employee selection represents a major investment for the organization -- $2 to $4 million in wages and benefits over an employee’s career. Research suggests that selections based on unstructured interviews are only slightly more accurate than flipping a coin. On the other hand, a structured board interview yields a high likelihood of hires who are strong matches for job requirements. Gain exclusive insights into board interviews from two HR experts with decades of hiring experience. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Structured Board Interview, Employee Selection
Want A More Diverse Workforce? Guard Against Bias in Your Selection Process Author: Michael Quinn on 6/22/2023
Overcoming Bias in Recruitment & Screening to Unlock the Power of Diversity Author: Michael Quinn on 5/25/2023
10 Hiring Myths Debunked: The Insiders’ Take on Structured Board Interviews Author: Joe Nowlin on 3/31/2022