Onboarding Practices -- Five Proven Ways to Ensure New Hire Retention The first 90 days can make it or break it for a new hire. With today’s talent shortage, onboarding is more critical than ever. When I became a pulp and paper mill Human Resources manager in 2015, I made it my mission to revamp the mill’s onboarding process. What happened next was powerful stuff – truly an organizational change event. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Michael Quinn Tags: Onboarding, Employee Engagement
HR Expert Tip: 5 Ways to Avoid Bias in the Hiring Process The job interview process is the foundation of an organization. If organizations want a diversity of thought and ideas, it starts in the interview process. Thus, we need to consciously find ways to minimize employee selection bias in job interviews. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Cheryl Jackson Tags: Bias Prevention in Employee Selection, Inclusion
Hiring Hazards that Jeopardize a Job Interview Hiring? Be careful what you ask in a job interview! Illegal interview questions and other miscues can jeopardize the outcome of an interview – and lead to formal complaints and other hairballs. There’s a right way and a wrong way to interview job applicants. Become a savvier interviewer by abiding by these Dos and Don’ts. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Interview Dos & Don'ts, Employee Selection
5 Types of Questions That Undermine a Job Interview When conducting a structured board interview, don’t “hit one into the woods,” as a golfer would say. In order to get the best match for targeted jobs, an interview board needs to stay on course with its questioning. Here are five types of questions NOT to ask in a job interview. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Structured Board Interview, Employee Selection Practices
10 Hiring Myths Debunked: The Insiders’ Take on Structured Board Interviews A coin toss is great for football games -- but not for choosing an employee. Every employee selection represents a major investment for the organization -- $2 to $4 million in wages and benefits over an employee’s career. Research suggests that selections based on unstructured interviews are only slightly more accurate than flipping a coin. On the other hand, a structured board interview yields a high likelihood of hires who are strong matches for job requirements. Gain exclusive insights into board interviews from two HR experts with decades of hiring experience. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Structured Board Interview, Employee Selection
Help for Hiring Woes: 3 Keys to Effective Inbound Recruiting Having a tough time finding skilled, qualified employees? You’re not alone. When traditional methods of recruitment fall short, it’s time for a new approach. Specifically, the inbound recruiting approach. Learn how to integrate the latest marketing methodology into your recruitment efforts. Written by Lori O’Connor, New Business Developer for Vye, this guest blog describes how to attract, engage, and convert job candidates. Take a look. You might just find the secret sauce to fill openings. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Lori O'Connor Tags: Applicant Pool Development, Employee Recruitment
Selecting the Workforce of Tomorrow: The Secret to Entry Level Hiring Everyone remembers the excitement of landing their first “real” job. They might start small, but dream big. While hiring managers and HR professionals screen and select candidates for entry level jobs, that’s not necessarily where the candidates will remain. Today’s rapid job progression changes the selection process for entry-level employees. Here’s what hiring manager need to know. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Michael Quinn Tags: Employee Selection, Silver Tsunami, Employee Recruitment
From Adversary to Ally: How Smart Companies Do the Unexpected to Fill the Applicant Pool Well, this article ought to raise some eyebrows! Has the long-standing adversarial relationship between management and unions begun to ease? In this article, we offer several examples of collaboration between management and unions. Today’s union/hourly workforce plays a key role in employee recruitment and employee selection. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Inclusion, Strengthening Recruitment Power, Employee Selection Practices, Employee Engagement
Employee Selection: Why Settle for Subpar Performers? Instead, Follow the Lead of Pro Sports & Smart Data Sports teams use a highly structured, repeatable process to analyze talent. In the sports arena, game video and agility tests help teams determine if a player is a match for an open spot. What process should businesses and industries use to select job candidates? In this article, we take a page out of a sports playbook to describe an employee selection process that’s a slam dunk. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Employee Selection, Employee Recruitment, rigorous selection, Hiring Systems
Employee Recruitment Versus Employee Selection: Recruitment - Casting a Wide Net to Fill the Applicant Pool The problem with recruitment services such as Indeed is that they lull organizations into recruitment complacency with their #1 job site position and proposition that they reach a broach online candidate audience. Learn what smart companies do differently to attract job candidates. [read more] Category: Connecting the Dots Joe Nowlin Tags: Employee Selection, Applicant Pool Development, Employee Recruitment